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  • Inspiration


For inspiration, Seven deadly sins (CLICK) was considered. It shows an amazing mix of feelings that one gets when entering into the digital world. Break Free got inspired by those negative feelings.

  • Negative feelings

Negative feelings


Each year people either commit suicide or get consulted. It entirely depends on what the person may feel at that time. It's difficult for anyone to come over those negative thoughts and feelings. Here, the cultural difference also plays its role. As per research (Figure.4 CLICK), places where suicide is strictly forbidden like Kuwait, the suicide rate is almost zero in 1998. However, the atheist community got the highest suicidal rate in total, including male and female. 

Depression, however, make things a lot difficult to handle. According to a report (Table 4, CLICK), annual suicidal rate due to depression in the USA between five ethnic groups caught our attention. Based on 1986-1988, the research suggests that white people committed more suicides than blacks and Mexicans with 102, 79 and 58 respectively for males and 13, 5 and 3 for females respectively.


Frustration on the other hand is sometimes taken as depression but it is a kind of sadness if things don't turn the way you want them to. Upon research(CLICK), it is said that Neuroticism is paired strongly with stress when one is frustrated. There also is some evidence and information on how it affects openness and consciousness on daily basis.


According to the research(CLICK), the relationship between envy and prosocial behaviour also depends on biasnes. In competitive world, things like these are termed as healthy sometimes depending on the level of envy, but a research was done to see the relation between behaviour of a person with envy.


Anger management is what we always hear people talking about. Worryingly, people don't consider anger as a psychological issue and don't talk about it. It is said that it is just an expression of a person. However, a research done on the relation of anger and violence suggests that the condemning acts of violence occur when one experiences anger. The chart below shows the anger levels and relation to violent acts based on a study in year 2015(CLICK).


Fear should be considered as multidimensional response to danger or threat. But, the relationship of fear with behaviour changes when the fear is subjected to threatening stimulus and as defensive response, one can opt for any behaviour.


So what generates fear? It runs like a machine in our brain which makes us feel threatened. The effects however could be anything which can be illustrated well by the diagram below.

  • Cultural Difference

Cultural Difference

Facial expressions and voices can be of different meanings to different people. An anger facial expression a Chinese receives may indicate another emotion to a British. (Reference) In this case, clarifying people's feeling by conversation becomes even more important, and this is exact what we want our audience to understand - If you have a bad day and you want to overcome it, let others know, as we could not guess what you are thinking, and never be able to help if the air is not cleared.(Also click to read more)

  • What is resilience?

The ability or potential of a person to maintain positive feelings and development when risk or negativity is involved is termed as resilience.

About Resilience
  • Building resilience

Resilience can be understood by the figure below. The innermost layer is of core resilience. The layer comprises of individual factors like physiology or systems that may act as stress reliever and make one's resilience profile. In whole, health indicators and physiological processes can act as a foundation for a person to build overall resilience for their lifetime. (Click the picture to know more)

  • Outcome

Resilience and well-being are affected by multiple factors, which is a complicated process as indicated from the diagram. We do not want to push any accomplishment by giving all the information above, but simply want to give some perspectives of how to deal with negativities during daily life. It is completely acceptable if you cannot defeat it in a short period of time, but always keep in mind to have faith and positivity, every obstacle can be challenged. You only live once, seize every opportunity to enjoy it.

(CLICK the figure to know more)

Reference List

Novaco, R & Chemob, C 2015, Violence Associated With Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: The Importance of Anger, Psychological Trama: Theory, Research, Pratice, and Policy, 7(5), pp. 485-492. viewed 6th April 2018, <>


Fanselow, M & Pennington, Z 2017, A return to the psychiatric dark ages with a two-system framework for fear,100, pp. 24-29. Viewer 7th April 2018,


Tanaka, A, Koizumi, A, Imai, H, Hiramatsu, S, Hiramoto, E & Gelder, B 2010, I Feel Your Voice: Cultural Differences in the Multisensory Perception of Emotion, Psychological Science, 21(9), pp.1259-1262. viewed 7th April 2018,



Bertolote, JM & Fleishmann, A 2002, A global perspective in the epidemiology of suicide, suicidoogi, 7(2), viewed 7th April 2018, <>


Maria, A, Steven, P, Kevin, M, Myrna, M & Steven, G 2001, Ethnic and Sex Differences in Suicide Rates Relative to Major Depression in the United States, Am J Psychiatry, 158, pp. 1652-1658,  viewed 7th April 2018, <>


Wilt, J & Revelle, W 2017, The Big Five, everyday contexts and activities, and affective experience, Personality and Individual Differences, viewed 6th April 2018, <>


Eslami, A & Arshadi, N 2016, Effect of Organizational Competitive Climate on Organizational Prosocial Behavior: Workplace Envy as a Mediator, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences, 10(5), pp. 1798-1801, viewed 7th April 2018, <>


Yan, X, Andrews, T & Young, A 2016, Cultural Similarities and Differences in Perceiving and Recognizing Facial Expressions of Basic Emotions, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42(3), pp. 423-440, viewed 6th April 2018, <>


Sanders, J, Munford, R, Thimasarn-Anwar, T, Liebenberg, L & Ungar, M 2015, The role of positive youth development practices in building resilience and enhancing wellbeing for at-risk youth, Child Abuse & Neglect 42, pp. 40-53, viewed 7th April 2018, <>


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